Calla Sun is a singer/songwriter, radio presenter and educator.


about me

I grew up in Lower Manhattan, NYC, but I’ve also lived in Dublin, Ireland and Butte, Montana. I have since settled down in the Upper Delaware Valley, where I live in an 1840s gingerbread house on the river with my daughter, Rosemary.


what’s in a name?

My name is Callison Stratton, but my stage name is Calla Sun, because sometimes people have a hard time pronouncing Callison. Idk why.

Calla + Sun = Callison.

Cal - luh - sun.

Boom. Easy.


what i do

The music I write is rooted the American folk tradition, a blend of storytelling and poetry and natural imagery. But mostly it’s feelings. My heroes are Joni Mitchell, John Prine, Emily Saliers and Brandi Carlile.


join my community

My original music is available on Bandcamp and Spotify, and you can also join my mailing list to get updates on upcoming gigs and releases!

All photography by Joana Meding, unless otherwise noted.